Department of Radiology

MSC 10 5530
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Physical Location:
UNM Hospital

Phone: 505-272-2269


Indications  Thoracic aortic dissection, aortic aneurysm
Number of scan Acquisition/series  2
Scan Acquisition  1 Noncontrast thoracic  2. Arterial Phase aorta
Range  Clavicular heads through costophrenic angles  Clavicular head to iliac crests
Care Dose 4D  On  On
Quality Reference  100  mAs  150 mAs
KV / Effective mAs / Rotation time  120 / 100 / 0.5 seconds  120 / 150 / 0.5 seconds
Detector Collimation  1.5 mm  1.5 mm
Slice Thickness  2 mm  2 mm
Pitch factor  1.3  1.3
Kernel (for initial reconstruction)  B30f  B30f
Increment  2 mm  2 mm
Image order  Cranial - Caudal  Cranial - Caudal
Oral Contrast  None  None
 IV contrast  None  100 cc Isovue 300 / 30 saline chaser
 (Dual Injector)
 Injection Rate  N/A  4 cc second
 Scan Delay  N/A  20-25 seconds approximately
 Use Care Bolus
 (Series to send to PACS)
 1. Recon 3x3 B30f mediastinum medium smooth
 2. Recon 2x 2 B30f mediastinum medium smooth.
 3. Recon 3x3 B80f lung ultrasharp
 4. Recon 2x2 B30f to 3D card for reconstruction
 5. MIP 20 mm slab 3mm increments