Department of Radiology

MSC 10 5530
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Physical Location:
UNM Hospital

Phone: 505-272-2269

EDP130. THORACIC AORTA (r/o dissection)

Indications  Thoracic aortic dissection, aortic aneurysm
Number of scan Acquisition/series  2
Scan Acquisition  1. Noncontrast thoracic  2. Arterial Phase aorta
Range  Clavicular heads through both
 costophrenic angles
 Clavicular head to iliac crests
Care Dose 4D  On  On
Quality Reference  100 mAs  150 mAs
KV / Effective mAs / Rotation time  120 / 100 / 0.5 seconds  120 / 150 / 0.5 seconds
Detector Collimation  1.5 mm  1.5 mm
Slice Thickness  2.0 mm  2.0 mm
Pitch factor  1.3  1.3
Kernel (for initial reconstruction)  B30f  B30f
Increment  2.0 mm  2.0 mm
Image order  Cranial - Caudal  Cranial - Caudal
Oral Contrast  None  None
Intravenous Contrast  None  100 cc Isovue 300 / 30 saline chaser
 (Dual Injector)
Injection Rate  N/A  4 cc second
Scan Delay  N/A  20-25 seconds approximately
 Use Care Bolus
Non-contrast thoracic Reconstruction
(Series to send to PACS)
 1. Recon 3x3 B31s Mediastinum medium smooth+
 2. Recon 3x3 B80s Lung ultrasharp
 3. Recon 3x3 B41s Mediastinum medium+ (Coronal)
 4. MIP Axial 20mm slab 3mm increments
IV contrast  80 cc Isovue 300
Injection Rate  3 cc second
Scan Delay (sec)  Usual: 25 seconds (if using 2.5 cc/second increase to 30 seconds).
 For patient with heart disease: Use Care Bolus ; Timing off Main PA
Arterial Phase
(Series to send to PACS)
 1. Recon 2x1 B31f Mediastinum medium smooth+(Best Diast)
 2. Recon 2x2 B31f Mediastinum medium+
 3. Recon 3x3 B80f Lung ultrasharp
 4. Recon 2x1 Bf31f Mediastinum medium smooth+(Best Syst)
 5. MIP Axial 20mm slab 3mm increments